Thursday, July 30, 2009

Movin' On -room with a view

Another house viewing - another hot day.
This house was SO high in the sky - the views were awesome. The sea, the city, the golf course spread out before us.
Inside the house was also spectacular. Huge windows everywhere - something vaguely "oriental" about the color scheme.
I like to see a place unfurnished. Realtors say this is unusual - "Oh no, they can't imagine the place with no furniture".
I have trouble getting past the "stuff" - beautiful choices in art, or bedspreads, or carpets. I even scan the library to see what they like to read. And that's not what we're there for. If the place is empty, you know exactly what the product is, exactly how it's going to look when the furniture arrives. Speaking of which, the grand piano gets a "lot of press".
"She's got a beautiful grand piano", he says. From then on, everyone is picking out the perfect spot for the grand piano. I'm vaguely uncomfortable with this, convinced that they are imagining me whirling up and down the keys with extreme precision and talent. I find myself trying to change the subject.
Today the realtor says "It's easy to show you a place - you're so enthusiastic. Lots of folks never make any positive or negative comments". Hmmmm. Could this be that I lived for too long in one house? Could it be that I don't get out much? Could it be that I don't want to hurt his feelings?
Yesterday I said to him. "You keep asking us what we're looking for. Don't you have people who give you all those answers, and then end up choosing something completely off the chart?"
"Oh yes, there's always some of those".

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