Thursday, May 28, 2009


This may be my only link to the world.
We have really lousy internet service - country folk often do.
And for the last few days, we can not email anyone. We sometimes can receive mail, but we cannot send it. My "outbox" is filled with un-mailed letters.
So, I am posting this little piece as a test to see if it will load into my blog.
But the thing is - if I can't get in touch with anyone, and they don't know where the blog is -
well, you get my meaning.

As luck would have it - there aren't that many people in the world who care whether they are in touch with me - or I am in touch with them.

So goes it.


  1. I am here to report that yes, indeed, your blog is coming through! I just read it! So hopefully, you're back in business.

  2. yo blogger grandma! you're coming through!

  3. This was so much fun hearing from you guys!
    Thanks for your support. I love it.

  4. There are many of us out here that love to hear from you!! You think you are cut off but we're out here waiting for more! W&M

  5. Hi again everyone:
    Linda emailed yesterday to say that she had finally "caught up" to the blog - so that was fun to hear.
    I want to post a "travel" series - to document our search for a new home. I'm hoping that the technology I have to work with, will let me do that.
