Thursday, April 28, 2011

the Abbey

20 years ago, we were in Westminster Abbey.
It's a Sunday morning.  In London.  As we turn the first corner, we see a long long line up to the door of the church.
We walk to the front and say "We're here to take Communion".  
Without the slightest hesitation, the security rope is opened and in seconds we find ourselves in the lobby of the Abbey!
Before we can get our breath, the usher is there.  A discussion about seating.  
"It's a summer Sunday, and all we have here is the boys' choir, so there's lots of seats up there.  Would you like to sit in the Choir stalls?"

We try to look ho-hum about all this as we settle in our seats and timidly look to our left and stare at the crowd below filling the church.  Everything has happened so fast,  there's a "should I pinch myself to see if this is real" feeling about it all!
Is the word "Communion" the key to Westminster Abbey?  
Each seat has deep sides.  We have to lean forward to peak at each other.  It is comforting, because we feel exposed.  We hope that we look touristy enough that the rest of the crowd does not suppose we are members of the choir. 
Such an historic place. That morning, the past seems to be sitting next to us.
It still seems like a dream.  
We tell anyone who will listen about this adventure in our favorite city.
So here's to Kate and William.  We hope they have a perfect wedding day!


  1. Did this really happen? What a great story!
    I haven't watched the wedding yet, but saw a bit. What was with that archway in the middle of the sanctuary. Most of the guests wouldn't have even seen the wedding? Anglicans - who can figure them out?
    I read that William refused to sign a pre-nuptial agreement. Made me think these two might make out OK.

  2. Yes, this really happened! Yes, the archway. That was my feeling when I was there. That is seemed chopped up, and there were parts of it around corners. Didn't know about the pre-nuptial. I had a vague feeling that she was a bit "anxious" when he appeared on the scene. Probably my imagination. He seems like a splendid fellow to me.
