Tuesday, January 25, 2011

California Dreamin'

We've been living in Calfornia for awhile - a winter vacation.
The sun has been shining a lot, and this seems to have surprised the natives. "Oh yeah - we've had terrible weather lately" they say "even our summer wasn't good this year".  Be that as it may, as soon as we crossed the line from Oregon to California, the sun came out and it's stayed out ever since. Now, this is North America in January, so we're not talking about shorts and sandals, but for us from Canada, it's like a miracle.
Even more of a miracle is where we are in California.  Even been to Carmel, California?  Ever caught sight of the ocean when you weren't expecting to?  The waves in Carmel/Monterey California are truly "Hollywood" waves.  These waves simply roar - they roar in and out and up and down.  They crash into the rocks, climb up the craggy edges, bang against whatever is in the way.  People stand in awe. People are struck dumb by this spectacle. It comes in all forms. There are big-sigh waves, angry waves, show-off waves, king-of-the-castle waves and everything in between.
Sunsets are glorious, too.  Huge, rich and red, coloring the sky pink and coral. We're living in an apartment high up with a balcony. It looks down on huge trees of all kinds, with lots of invisible real estate underneath.  Through this, we get just a slice of the ocean, but it's a pretty good slice considering the price we're paying.  And if we're here at 5:15, Merv is usually out getting yet another shot of the sunset. This is also a sight that makes you feel very small.  It's the way the planet works - just doing what it's always done. Whatever or whoever is paying attention is of no interest to the principals involved.
Some of us respond to "planet" stuff with awe and fear.  All the stuff about "light years" and "black holes" and discovery of strange planets that may or may not have life on them.  Those shots the satellites take of outer space can be daunting, especially if you're the kind of person who is inclined to put music in the background - scary music filled with unknown chords and keys.
I mean - would you sign up for an interplanetary space journey?  The answer to that question definitely separates the men from the boys. And an ocean that is rich with movement and drama seems to belong somewhat in the category of wild and unknown phenomenon. Although I feel privileged to live within walking distance of an ocean beach, this piece of Carmel ocean is another kettle of fish entirely.

1 comment:

  1. It's by far,one of the most beautiful places on earth! Carmel is astounding! Have you ventured down to Half Moon Bay? That's an amazing place. Not far from Carmel. So glad you are enjoying some nice warm, sunny weather. You are missing a dreary start to 2011 here in B.C.! Take care and have fun in the sun.
