Saturday, July 17, 2010


"I'm in a renewal phase" he says. "Made some changes and just fine-tuning them."  He's very thin.  Says he weighs 125 pounds.  At least he was small to begin with.  His walk is faltering.  But again, he's always had a bad ankle and never been a walker.  His speech is a bit tentative.  She finds herself intervening in his phone calls.  "He's just having a nap.  Oh here he is.  Now don't talk for too long."  "New dentures?" said the dentist.  "It's just that there's no bone here - there's no place for the bottom teeth to sit".  The dentures had not been taken out of his mouth for all his time in the hospital, and sores have developed. They hurt.  But he's hungry.  "It's a trade-off.  I have to eat.  So I suffer."  Sitting is uncomfortable.  She jokes to her girlfriend.  "I swear he has no butt at all!  We've simply got to fatten him up".  She's right.  No matter how padded or cushioned the seat, he squirms and twists, trying to find some way to sit more comfortably.
So there's grumbling, and impatience.  "Don't be impatient" says the home care nurse, "you are doing everything correctly. So let things develop as they will.  You'll be surprised at how quickly you will forget this part of your life".  He's not impressed with this take on things.
She's astonished at what he eats. Waffles! He hates waffles and now he loves them.  Fruit!  He's never shown the slightest interest in fruit. Pasta.  "Are we having that pasta 'alfredo' that we had last night?  I really love that stuff".  Strange, very strange.  But here's the kicker. Coffee, scotch, beer, and red wine?  NO interest.  This worries her the most of all.

1 comment:

  1. how about a milkshake? that seems to add padding to my butt. :)

    tell him that the girls who visited yesterday think he looks good.
