Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bon Jovi "live"

"Baby, I know what I do for a living and I do it well" says Bon Jovi at his concert in Phoenix. "I ain't gonna talk too much. Cause that's not what you came for. Right?" You learn a lot in 25 years, and this good looking 48 year old knows all the tricks. His fans adore him. Leaping to their feet, they shout and scream and wave their arms. In fact, they never sit down! I kid you not. Everyone stands up - all the time! We giggle and pretend we're not the least bit surprised.

Huge television style HD cameras shoot very sharp close up shots and put them above the stage - in astonishing clarity. When this hunky guy wants a special moment with his crowd, we feel we can touch him. And he knows it - big time.
Bon Jovi is the consummate showman. Removes his gorgeous leather jacket after the first two numbers so we can watch his t-shirt becoming darker and darker with perspiration - he's somewhat hyper on stage. Very athletic movements. He can also make love to a microphone with great tenderness should the mood strike him.

His fans LOVE him - they hug him with their eyes. They know every lyric, every melody. As the local newspaper put it - "He gives them a look that says, "This is more for you than for me, because I've sung these songs a million times". He listens with delight as they sing the parts they love the best.
He's good at cheer leading. He asks for their love, opens his arms wide with a sort of "well - am I wonderful or not?" and they roar approval. When you consider how long this guy's been doing this - that's not half bad.

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