Monday, June 29, 2009

Movin' On -Bob Pye

Monday, June 22, 2009

It’s a neighborhood day today. Our hay farmer and his buddy come calling.
Bob and Marvin are quite the pair. They hang out together a lot. Last summer Bob had a bad spell while driving his truck. He lost consciousness, and drove right into some heavy bush. Poor Marvin tried to take the wheel, but couldn’t maneuver around Bob. Luckily, no one was hurt. Bob’s on medication now. His system makes way too much iron, so I think it’s a thyroid condition.
Bob Pye. Could a name be any more delightful?
Bob and Marvin are great hoarders. They’ve been looking our stuff over ever since they heard we were selling. Every time we’d see them, they’d mention the fencing, or the sprayer, or the tractor parts, or whatever. Basically, they were getting a reading. Had we sold them? Did we think they would sell? And if not, would we like them to take these items off our hands? “We’ll sure pick them up and clean up that east corner there".
Today it was the bricks. We’ve had a sizeable pile of bricks stacked close to the house by the tree line. I forget what we meant to do with them, it was so long ago. We had the odd doo-dad sitting on top and they were a great color against the trees.
Bob says “I could take those bricks off your hands if you want them moved”
“Sure thing, Bob, if you want ‘em”.
“Well, I would need a bit of help. I’m not too spry any more.”
“Hey, get your buddy Marvin to help you”
“Yah, but then he’d want half of them!”
Sure enough, Marvin was the first guy to arrive at 10 o’clock. 2 good looking daughters doing the heavy lifting. Seems to me they take more than half.
They are no sooner down the road, and Bob appears with his hired hand. Before you know it the job’s done.
“Look Merv, he didn’t even rake the dirt! What a pair”.
When Merv cut the grass, he picked up a brick on the mower, and was not happy.
No doubt about it. I’m going to miss those guys.

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