Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Hallow's Eve

It's Halloween, one of the oldest holidays in the Western European tradition, invented by the Celts, who believed Halloween was the day of the year when spirits, ghosts, faeries, and goblins walked the earth. The tradition of dressing up and getting candy probably started with the Celts as well. Historians believe that they dressed up as ghost and goblins to scare away the spirits, and they would put food and wine on their doorstep for the spirits of family members who had come back to visit the home.

All Hallow's Eve -
Is that the way it's said?
All I know about the Eve is that I don't have one thing for any of those "trick or treaters" that may come calling.

Looks like a good day though. Very sunny so far and sunny for 5 days.

I've been reading that Halloween is becoming more and more popular! I'm not sure what part of it. My guess would be the "pretending to be something" part of it. I think we like that.
Ever notice that costume parties are always sort of "let loose" "let it all hang out" affairs?
If we can wear a mask, we gain all kinds of confidence, and a normally shy person becomes quite different. It's fun.

I got my grandson one of those "hatchet through the head" touques. When you tug it on your head, the hatchet sits up as if you'd just been - well - knocked off. Had an ambivalent feeling about it afterwards. The world has become a bit scary - and we can't be funny that way any more.
All Hallow's Eve. Mmmmmmm. I'll have to Google that one before the day is out.

Well. Agenda.

A big new TV with surround sound and HD quality. Favorite football team plays at 11 o'clock. Then a World Series game at 4:30 - Philadelphia Phillies and New York Yankees are tied at one game apiece. Then a hockey game at 6:30!

I don't know what'll happen tomorrow!


  1. I just came from Mom's new place where they are all getting ready for a big Hallowe'en party tonight. The costumes are spectacular! One lady had on a big black afro wig and black sunglasses and a fake electric guitar and another lady said, "who are you?" and the first lady said, "Jimmy Hendrix" and the other lady said, "Jimmy who?".....It was hilarious! Brad and I put up Mom's paintings and photos and now her place looks perfect. We're very happy!

  2. Congratulations! Such a huge task, Char (and Brad) -
    done in your usual inimitable (I've always wanted to use that word. I must google it and find out what it means) style.
    I am so glad that dear Jean has you to lead her through these years.
    If anyone can "make her way" in a new environment, your Mom is it.
